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Ray's History in Construction
Rapas Constructions Pty Ltd is a new building company being registered with QBCC with an open building licence with category 3 financial status.
Rapas Constructions Company Nominee is Ray Ferdinand: QBCC License: 12578
Nominee’s Professional Experience Includes;
Registered Builder in Queensland for 25 years
During many years in construction, Ray has built across Queensland:
approximately 1500 high quality homes from Tambourine Mountains to Fraser Island and inland to Dalby and Goondiwindi
approx 150 commercial, industrial, unit developments including shopping centres and banks
a number of churches and aged care facilities
greenfield primary school on a wet site using 18 metre grout plies and major civil works
large public housing complexes for the Queensland Government
community halls for RSL and Local Government
private and Local Government Sporting Facilities (Squash Courts – Leagues Clubs)
car dealerships – Ford – Toyota - Mitsubishi
large packing and cold-room facilities for major transport and produce companies.
Construction management - estimating, design management, drafting, project and site management
Over the past 4 years Ray has contributed to project and site management for up market homes and villas for Coastal Edge Construction at Airlie Beach, Hamilton and Titan Island
Ray has vast experience in all types of construction over the last 45 years, recently concentrating on project, site and QA management on high quality housing and unit development and complex multilevel Type A Construction projects.
Project and site management of a number of 10 storey buildings with 2.5 underground basements in and around Brisbane CBD
Experience in delivering full underpinning of a 6 storey unit building adjacent to a 10 storey multi-level - 94 unit project Ray constructed
Quality Assurance Management leader across McNab Constructions
Local Government Mayor and Councillor for 15 years in the Lockyer Valley
Life Member of Queensland Apex
Developed and implemented the Queensland Roads Alliance Partnership between Local Government and Queensland State Government with over 3 billion annual road budget
Demonstration speaker for Dale Carnegie Human Relations Training modules
Housing and Unit design and estimation work for numerous clients
Qualifications and Experience:
Tradesman Carpenter and Joiner
Certificate 4 in Building and Construction
Diploma in Building and Construction
Advanced Diploma in Building and Construction
Building Technician & Architectural Drafting
Projects that Ray has worked on and constructed
Ray site managed a 10 storey - 94unit complex plus 2.5 basement car parking levels in Dickens St Springhill for McNab (start to finish – 15 months)
Building Classes 2 and 6
Type A Construction
Ray site managed an 8 storey - 28unit complex in Chasely St Auchenflower for McNab (start to finish – 9 months)
Ray was also used by McNab constructions to bring problem projects to completion.
His role on two specific projects that fell way behind on timeframes and quality was to bring these projects into line and complete on time and on budget.
Ray took over from the project manager and site manager on the 10 storey project below - to ensure quality and completion timeframes were met. This was a 10 storey 63 apartment project at Nundah.
The project was two months behind with only one month to completion with large liquidated damages. The project had to be finished in 4 weeks. Ray was tasked with bringing the project to completion in one month. He succeeded and delivered the project on time and within budget constraints.
The Project below was a 3 storey - 50 bed women’s college accommodation building including a 3 storey manager’s home. This project was a full cavity brick and suspended concrete slab construction. The project required management skillsets in this type of cavity brick construction.
Ray was tasked with helping to bring the project into line with timeframes and quality required for such a high-quality cavity brick building.
On this project Ray also designed and supervised construction by Paul Ferdinand of a three-level complex timber stair system that was not able to be completed by current contractors
Quality Assurance Manager Role:
Ray’s role for his last year with McNab was to lead the QA department developing new processes and systems for McNab to improve quality across the company.
Ray introduced specific ITPs for a number of critical construction areas
Ray also introduced standard fact sheets that enabled consistency in QA processes across McNab.
Recent Projects constructed and managed by Ray Ferdinand
Ray project and site managed this 14 unit complex at 26 Arthur St Woody Point for Blackstone Construct Pty Ltd from commencement in January 2021 to completion in September 2021.
This project was suspended Concrete slab and core filled and rendered concrete block construction
Recent Projects managed by Ray Ferdinand on for Coastal Edge Constructions on Hamilton and Titan Island
Ray project and site managed the completion of this project for Coastal Edge Constructions during the past three years
The White House Project – Melaleuca Drive:
Titan Island Project:
Ray was involved in initial project management and contract administration and establishment for this project for Coastal Edge Constructions on Titan Island during the past three years.
Proposed Joinery for the Villas at Lot MVK Merina Terrace Hamilton Island
Joinery to be used in the Hamilton Island villas will be from Cedar Bend Joinery, Cannonvale – Examples below:
Recent conveyancing work by Ray Ferdinand with Hamilton Island Enterprises
Ray completed all the required work with Hamilton Island Enterprises to ensure the 4 Villas for Lot MVK Marina Terrace Hamilton Island had final approval
One of the recent house designs completed by Ray Ferdinand for Paul Ferdinand (Ferdinand Constructions) - see home below:
This home was built by Paul Ferdinand at Macgregor in Brisbane.